There are several common concerns that people may have when considering renting instead of buying:

Quality: People may be concerned about the quality of the rented item, especially if they're renting something they're not familiar with.

Availability: People may worry about the availability of the item they want to rent, particularly if it's a popular or seasonal item.

Cost: Some people may think that renting is more expensive than buying in the long run, especially if they need to rent something repeatedly.

Responsibility: People may worry about their responsibility for the rented item and whether they will be liable for any damage or loss.

Convenience: Renting may be seen as less convenient than owning, as the renter may need to return the item or coordinate pickup and drop-off times.

Hygiene: Some people may be concerned about the cleanliness and hygiene of rented items, particularly if they're renting something that is typically used by many people.

Trust: People may worry about the trustworthiness of the renter or the renting platform, particularly if they're renting from someone they don't know.

Don’t worry!  Bubba’s got your back!  We’ve addressed these concerns by ensuring that our rental platform has measures in place to ensure the quality and cleanliness of rented items, and provides clear rental agreements! Plus BubbaProtect is in place to protect Owners.

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