At RentBubba, we have some big dreams. We aren’t simply building a trusted online rental marketplace, we are building a community of neighbours.  When we look back and think of why our team wanted to start RentBubba, there are a few main reasons that stand out.

  • First and foremost, we wanted to leave a meaningful legacy for future generations;
  • Secondly, we realized that people needed each other now more than ever; 
  • We wished to highlight the good in the world, and in humanity;
  • We believed that money shouldn’t prevent anybody from creating invaluable memories and experiences;
  • There seemed to be many opportunities to spend money and less opportunities to earn it.

In saying all of that, we want to take a moment and give you a seat at the table to see what drives the team at RentBubba. 


Everyone at RentBubba holds this goal close to their heart.

Our team believes that the true success of this company may not be seen in our lifetime. If we are able to bring people together, give them the opportunity to have incredible experiences, and champion a more sustainable way of living by reducing the amount of waste we produce, then we will have done something meaningful with our lives. We not only want us to have that opportunity, we want to invite all of you to join us. Let’s leave this planet better than we found it and live for a generation we will not see. 

Bubba101 - Group of four young people standing in front of a yellow and blue background.



Name the most important part of your life and please don’t tell us it is the tacos you had yesterday, (although, a taco would be good right now… and, we’re back.)

We all have different thoughts to that question but we are going to venture out and say that the majority of people would answer that family, friends or someone is the most important thing in their life. We don’t know if that has ever been more true for all of us as it is right now. We are at our greatest when we celebrate our differences and come together to work towards a common goal.

Perhaps a common goal like… making your neighbour’s life better? Enriching the world?

The idea of a sharing economy is not a new one. For hundreds of years people have been working together, sharing what they have in an effort to better each other's lives. That sounds like it might just work again. 


It is estimated that for every negative encounter, there must be five positive encounters to equal the effects of the negative one.

When we see a statistic like that it makes us wonder what would happen if we flipped the script? What if we were surrounded by five times more positive encounters than were negative ones? What could be achieved if we held humanity to a higher standard and believed that it was capable of contributing more good in this world?

It is one of RentBubba’s chief goals to ensure that everything we do, does more good for people and more good for planet earth. 


Lives are not, or should not be measured by how much money we attain.

Our lives are measured by the memories we make and the moments we fill our lives with. We all have young families and like any young family, one of the things that goes through our minds is what traditions we want to follow with our kids.

Going camping every summer is a tradition we all hold dear. Camping is a wonderful experience but here's the thing about camping… it costs money. Camping gear for a family can cost upwards of two to three grand, which for a week or two out of the year is a large investment.

Herein lies the problem - we’ve done a lot of talking about money and not a lot about the memories we’d be making. At RentBubba, our goal is to make experiences more affordable. People should be able to waste less, spend less and experience more. 


We are not against spending money (especially on things that matter), but have you noticed that spending money is way too easy? Like maybe a little too easy. And on the contrary, making money seems much more difficult than it is to spend it. One of the things that excites us about RentBubba is the ability to give people a chance to create passive income. We want to give people the ability to take the items they already own and turn them into money in their pockets. It’s time to give people another opportunity to earn more.

We believe in the power of community. When individuals from all walks of life come together to form the RentBubba neighbourhood, there is no dream too big, no goal too out of reach and no end to the good that we can do together. We are all a part of RentBubba. So welcome to the neighbourhood. Let’s do something amazing!

Get ready to rock the rental life!


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